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    How To Play

    We know how hard it can be to start

    a business and keep it growing.

    So we want to help.

    Book your FREE marketing review now!

    Don’t miss out on your chance to engage existing

    customers and entice new ones, we may

    also let you have a tinkle on the tambourine!

    Essex Business Excellence Awards 2012 Winner

Tambourines Tips

If you are just starting out
in business.

1 It’s all in the name

Make sure your business name reflects its personality. It’s your companys’ label, the first thing customers will know about you and the thing you want them to remember, so they can trace you on the likes of Google and social media. Louise did her university degree dissertation on the importance of names so is well placed in advising companies in getting the brand right!

2 Colour is important

Colour is important – avoid choosing your favourite unless your customers like it too. Investigate the meaning of colours: Purple relays creativity, passion, thoughtfulness and insight - perfect choice for Tambourine. Tambourine can build your brand through imaginative and colourful website designs, publicity material and instore POS.

Business is not booming,
Then make some more noise!

1 Spend your money wisely

You don’t have to do everything from sponsorship to radio advertising. Pick avenues from the marketing mix that are the most likely ways of attracting your audience. Don’t sponsor a local football team because you like them, before checking that your customers are football fans too!

2 Consistent marketing

Ensure your marketing is consistent, websites, publicity material, adverts etc should all be singing from the same hymn sheet. Same colour, same strapline, same logo. For more FREE advice on how to market your business sign up to Tambourines newsletter below.

Why use Tambourine PR
and marketing agency?

1 Quirky and award winning

If you feel you are shouting from the rooftops about your products or services and your customers are not listening you may need to tweak your direction or your message. Anyone can make a loud bang, but creating a nice tune so your customers listen is what Tambourine does best!

2 Delegate and prioritise

Marketing can be time consuming especially the rewarding social media so if you want to get on with doing what you do best, i.e. running your business. Let Tambourine do what we do best i.e. make some creative noise for you.